
Role of Self-Help-Groups (SHGs)

The role of Self-Help-Groups (SHGs) in organized agriculture can’t be overstated. Last year, an SHG consisting of women farmers decided to take up cultivation of lemongrass on fallow land. They leased some parcels of land and began cultivation with the support of Origin Oils. Their first harvest had low yields (as is the case with lemongrass) and resulted in low morale for the individual farmers. After all, they had taken some risks in leasing land and investing their time and efforts. We encouraged them to persist and focus on best practices like timely weeding, irrigation and use of organic manure.

The strength of SHGs is in its’ power of collective, its members are able to motivate and support each other in so many ways. Agriculture with its uncertainties and the financial situation of farmers in India, is such that it can be brutal for them to wait for longer periods while still persisting with their efforts. We are glad that our Women’s SHG did and how!

In the latest harvest cycle, their herbage yields were the best in the region. You can see a happy and proud Shyamvati Bai of Radhika SHG with her lemongrass crop in the background. This lemongrass crop will greatly support Shyamvati Bai and her family to meet ongoing requirements and set aside some funds for their children’s future! Other women in these SHGs are also getting similar results. These women farmers are very excited about next season and are planning on doubling their acreage in 2024.



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