Lemongrass is an important crop for India with over 3,000 hectares under cultivation and employing over 275,000 people across the lemongrass oil supply chain. It is a hardy crop that can grow with minimal irrigation and intervention and thus provides a great way for Indian farmers to better their earnings. Cimap CSIR has been doing a fantastic job promoting this crop across India under the Aroma Mission initiated by PM Narendra Modi and helping push India to the top spot for global exports of lemongrass oil. The attached report by IFEAT titled ‘Socio-Economic Report on Lemongrass’ provides a good overview of lemongrass and useful references. Lemongrass is one of the focus crops for Origin Oils and we aim to use this product to improve the livelihood of thousands of marginal farmers through assistance in producing high quality products and forward linkages to the international lemongrass oil market. Watch this space for further updates! #OriginOils #AromaMission #Essential Oils #Lemongrass